New dimensions of precision in the Dental Milling Center Cologne
Präzision entsteht nicht automatisch durch den Einsatz von Hightech und - Fräszentrum ist nicht gleich Fräszentrum.

We can only guarantee this high level of precision through an optimally coordinated process chain in the interaction of the components scan data, CAD software, CAM software and the selection of the right technology machine for the respective grinding or milling process, as well as years of experience in CAD-CAM and dental technology.
Through the use of industrial scanning and milling technology, we achieve a precision <10μ and thus create ideal conditions for the manufacture of implant-supported superstructures. Individual zirconium and titanium abutments as well as telescopic primary and secondary parts in zirconium, chromium-chromium and allergy-free plastics extend your range of products. Distinguish yourself from your competitors through precision, especially in the area of high-quality technologies, and through material diversity.